Discover 18 memorable towns throughout Oregon featured in our unique travel guidebooks. We continuously search for new and exciting towns and features beyond the big cities throughout the spectacular state of Oregon.
Whether you're seeking sylvan mountains, pounding ocean waves, or a deep-blue lake setting, there is a related great town in Oregon that can delight you. Oregon is known for its diversity of natural beauty, idyllic climates, cutting-edge gourmet creations, and creative spirit.
We have been writing about Oregon great towns since our original Great Towns of The West which included six Oregon towns out of fifty in the entire West (Ashland, Bend, Cannon Beach, Grants Pass, Newport, and Seaside). That landmark book was followed a few years later by The Great Towns of Oregon which included sixteen towns. Listings on lodgings focus on two classes of places, unique and romantic places that reflect the town's personality and charm, and bargains for those who want to spend their money on other things. Attractions include everything from natural parks, trails and recreation to gourmet havens featuring delicious wines, preserves, and other noteworthy local food products. While restaurants are the fastest to come and go over time, our listings remain the most comprehensive source for breakfast specialties (which most guidebooks gloss over), and direct you to the well-established best lunches and dinners in the area.
Over the years and throughout two editions of The Great Towns of America, Oregon continues to be extremely well-represented as a hotbed of great towns. This is due to both spectacular geography and the commitment of its residents to retain the natural beauty and livability of these glorious environs.
To enhance our coverage of Oregon, we continue to publish new books that expand and update information on individual selected towns. These town-specific books, like the one on Ashland, are available as both pocket-sized print and eBooks with color pictures, low cost, and handy size to keep you abreast of our latest discoveries even while you are on site.
Here is the list of towns that made at least one "great towns" book since we began our journeys in 1985. Links will take you to our detail pages for each town.